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Religion in a Small Town

Writer's picture: nicholaslprincenicholaslprince

Posted by me on a local FB group page for my little town:

With so many people of so many denominations and faiths in our area, the town and Chamber of Commerce should NOT be promoting any religion of any kind at town events, lest it give the impression of supporting one religion over another.

Maybe all women should wear denim skirts, no makeup, never cut their hair, and be subservient to men, as one member of our elected government believes. Or should the richest seclude them selves from the rest In a grand building and never do anything to help the less-fortunate like a food bank for the hungry or a fund to help those who are going through a rough patch. Maybe some would never worship with those with a skin pigmentation which is different than their own even though all were created equally and all are human.

If you drive five miles from the town center in every direction, there are a few dozen churches. The reason there are so many is that each of these buildings contain people who believe in worshipping differently than those in the other buildings. Otherwise, they would all be worshipping together. And on every Sunday, a larger portion of the people within five miles of the town center are not in any place of worship as is their right in this great country of ours.

And as we approach the quarter century point in this the 21st, our town has multiple faiths and races. We have citizens who were born in different countries who are making a place for themselves here. We have folks who are Christian, Jewish, Latter Day Saints, Buddhist, and many others. We also have those who prescribe to no particular faith, as well as those who are agnostic or atheist.

Because of this, town events which promote a singular view of only one faith does discriminate against those of other faiths.

And this is wrong.

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